NWGS (Nantwich Walled Garden Society)

The Nantwich Walled Garden Society (NWGS) is a not-for-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers. It was established in 2004 by a small group of concerned friends and neighbours who wanted to protect the garden from development, to see its walls repaired and maintained and to restore it in a way that protects its history and provides a vibrant green space for the enjoyment of Nantwich’s residents and visitors in perpetuity.  

We welcome both local and non-local members. Membership is £10 per year and all our funds go towards supporting our aims. Prior to the pandemic we held regular meetings and arranged occasional outings and it is hoped that we can begin to do so again in the future. The NWGS also has a stand at the Nantwich Societies Spectacular every July.

To join the NWGS or to make a donation, please contact: secretary.nwgs@gmail.com