Planning Application History

1986: Old Walled Garden listed Grade II by the Department of the Environment

1996: Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council Planning Brief for building on Kingsley Fields included a stipulation that “the listed walls around the garden be restored before the main Kingsley Fields 1 development commences”

2001: Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council Outline Planning Approval for building on Kingsley Fields produced, “conditional on the restoration of the Listed Walls of Townsend House”

2002: Notice of Full Permission. This included the condition: “This permission does not convey any consent for development within the walled garden on the southern boundary”

2003: Bellway Homes submitted Planning Applications (P03/1515 and P03/1524) to build two blocks of 4 flats within the garden.

2004: Bellway application refused by Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council

2005: Ownership of walled garden transferred from Bellway Homes to Jennings Investments

2006: Dowhills’ Planning Application (P08/0917) for six terraced dwellings and two apartments considered by Planning Committee and received verbal agreement subject to a satisfactory Section 106 Planning Agreement

2012: Ownership of walled garden transferred by receiver from the Dowhill Group to 4 Real Developments.

2013: Nantwich walled garden included within the Nantwich Welsh Row Conservation Area

2015: English Heritage confirmed the listing and amended and amplified the designation due to the garden’s historical and architectural interest, early date of construction and existing original documentation of the materials used

2015: 4 Real Developments apply for planning permission for eight terraced dwellings and two apartments, to restore the walls but destroy part of the wall to allow pedestrian and vehicular access

2016: 4 Real Developments appeal to Planning Inspectorate about delays to planning decisions

2017: All appeals by 4 Real Developments were rejected and the planning application was refused

2019: 4 Real Developments put in similar planning applications (19/0015N and 19/0016N) for four terraced dwellings and two apartments

No decision to date